Friday, January 23, 2009

Forgetting in order to Remember

The boy walks through the crowded terminal looking around hoping to find you, hoping you changed your mind, hoping that the pain felt before could be resolved with just one look, one touch, one action that shows you really care, that would erase all the pain. Much like that hot day in July, your not there. Did you really ever love me? Pain, the hurt inside, the ache that makes the nights restless. Hope, the feeling of knowing this isn't it, that there is more. Why is it that we must experience pain to truly comprehend hope? I must give up these memories to remember a destiny, my destiny.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Desiring more

They take shape as they form the contour of the skin and roll down each check emerging from the eyes that were once blind, but are now opened. The road has been so long, so confusing, it has been filled with much hurt and few joys. It has given glimpses of hope none understood till now. Now it is clear the path chosen is of no coincidence, it is yours just as each strand of hair is unique to you. The end has been revealed you have found your way home because you chose to live, you chose to live to make a difference to be used to give what is not from you but apart of you. To desire more, more, more.....

Monday, January 5, 2009

Starting Over Again

I sit at the table and peer out the window as I try to wrap the words that flow out of the speaker around in my mind. Rain begins to fall in a city I once knew, a city I once grew in. But now things have changed and its time to depart on another journey, time to start over again, just me and you. You whisper me words of encouragement, "you don't know what lies ahead for tomorrow, or the next day, so cherish each day, each hour, each moment. Love as I loved, give yourself as I gave and feel my joy come alive inside you.