Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Past

Sitting on the back porch before all have awoke, I find peace in the coldness that ushers its way through the screen door. I find myself reflecting on where I was a year ago, who I was, and wondering if any changes have been made. As I take a sip the warmness moves down my throat and takes rest inside me. You say by standing firm you will gain life. I don't know for how long, but for now those words will permeate in my mind, hoping they will move their way into my heart, so the who I am now may be different from the who I am a year from now.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Stoplight Memories

Stopped at the light the cars pass by followed by the memories. The memories are the last of what I have of you, what I wish I could forget, but what I fear will never leave. What was once taken for granted is missed the most. What was once felt for you, you feel for someone else, and that someone else feels for yet another. The heart is confused and knows not where to turn, hurt in the past and fearful of the future, wanting to be loved and yet guarded so that it can't.

Monday, December 7, 2009

How Can You Feel Anymore

Sometimes when the moment is just right, I close my eyes and can see myself drifting away, separating from this body, The body that I've spent so much time maintaining, the body that I am never satisfied with. I can see my body like roots withering away and what is unleashed is something special, something real, something true. It's me. The me that never wanted to harm or hurt you, the me who wants nothing more to love and be loved.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Dark Wave

Wrapped up the softness of the beds suede comforter protects me from the coldness of the blowing fan. Darkness surrounds me, I envision myself at the bottom of the ocean after being taken under by a giant wave. I wrestle with what is reality and with what I want reality to be. I'm not sure I want to go back. Don't turn on the light, can't I just stay here a little longer.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Incomplete Thoughts From An Incomplete Man

I pick up this pen and the ink hits the paper, not because I have anything to write, but because I must write everything. As I look around I see the the steam rise over a vast field during a hot summer day, straight ahead I find a sunset spreading what's left of its rays across the vast ocean. And still surround by all this beauty I find myself wondering why I feel incomplete. Its not until I let go of myself that these mere pictures hanging on the walls can take on their true shape and meaning. It's not until I give up those wants that I can truly live.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Saturday Afternoon

My feet are tired, I have been wandering for a long time. A few years here, a couple more there, I have never seemed to find home. I sit down now reclined in this soft chair and run my fingers down its armrest as the music echos in the background. My senses are awakened as the aroma of freshly ground coffee escapes behind the counter and out the open door into the busy street, where the palm fronds wave back to me. Some people find beauty in music, some in perfectly painted landscapes, others in well constructed words, but me I find it in people. Not that I don't find beauty in all the above mentioned, cause I do. I just tend to agree with what lead me to spirituality. The desire to believe I was human and that by being human mattered.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Take Off

Take off, we rise. I slip my headphones in and I begin to drift away. The music begins to flow into my ears as my head nods in agreement to the words being sang. I smile when I think of You and how You loved me before I did anything, before I was. Not because of the way I make you feel, but because of who I am and who You are.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

7 mile Sunday

The alarm goes off, I awake fatigued. The nights sleep was not sleep at all but a battle in the mind. Empty I awake, fullness is what I search for. I slip the shoes on, as each foot hits the pavement my mind wanders to ease the bodies pain. Where am I going? The path is familiar cause I have traveled it many times before. Sometimes with You sometimes without. Confused I think about last night and wonder what I gave up and what could have been. I have to keep running, faster, so I don't think about the past. As my feet stop moving you tap me on the arm and remind me why I am here, why I am doing what I do, and why I must continue on. Stay strong you say and I reply always.

Monday, September 7, 2009


How I am thankful, so very thankful. For You have transformed me, you continually change me. You faithfully chip away hardened deposits of pain and remorse that surround this heart. Because of grace I am beginning to understand, I am able to forgive and be forgiven. You draw me closer to You, closer to understanding.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Are You Ready

Are you ready? Who defines you, who you are, how you feel, how you respond? Deep down lies a desire to be understood, to be known, to be significant. Where does this come from, are they just burning desires of the heart, or a simple confusion of the mind, or much more? Is there a clear cut path to understanding, or can these answers even be answered with knowledge alone? They are all around us, those who think these feelings should be filtered, sometimes suppressed or maybe even ignored. If this is done are you being true to yourself or are you just disregarding what you might not fully understand or want to understand? What is preventing you from searching for your identity, from finding your potential? Are you ready yet?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Day Dream

Sitting on the bench, body fatigued, mind wandering, the scene appears. You approach, noses so close they almost touch, time freezes, background blurs, its just you and me. But this is only for a moment a brief moment. Time has now resumed and we begin to drift apart. I reach out and you follow, our fingers try an meet but they never do. The world has pulled us apart it has called this separation to occur. Back to reality, I stare in the mirror and try to understand, will we meet again, will it last.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Drained I enter and sit down. It is not long before the words flow and meet me only where You can go, deep inside. I wait until everyone has gone to meet you at the table. I reach into the bowl and am drawn to the piece that is twisted, that is bent, that is not perfect. As I dip the piece it becomes covered, the imperfections can no longer be seen and I begin to be filled. The music starts and begins to flow through my veins which pumps out into my body to send me this feeling of euphoria I now write about. The Spirit has now taken control of my body and the words begin to flow out. The singing turns into a smile, a smile which has been long awaited.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Trust in Me

Do you trust in me? Have I not supplied you with the clothes that now cover your back. Have I not rescued you time and time again, when you laid ashamed with your head faced down towards the ground. So why now do you think I am not big enough? How easily you forget how big I really am, what I have taken you from and where I plan for you to go. Trust Me.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Why Can't I Let You Go

My hand reaches out but you are no longer there, my heart searches for its missing piece. Thoughts of hope run in my head, what I would give for one moment with you, for a day where our past was wiped clean where our hearts where let free, just you and me. Or am I just scared am I scared of knowing someone more then you, allowing someone to know more then you. Is it that I am scared to just let go.

Friday, July 31, 2009

The Way

Shutting my eyes the piano plays the background music in my mind. I walk the streets, but they have changed, the people are moving in all different directions. I continue in the same direction, the same path, but as I turn the page the next looks nothing like the last, which differs from the very first. Ever since I met You I was changed my life took on a direction. So tonight I am thankful, so very thankful for You.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Seven months ago I sat at a table with you for the first time, I couldn't see but you were there, Seven hours ago I saw you for the first time when you entered this world weighing seven pounds and some odd ounces. Eyes clinched shut you searched for a voice, so I let my voice find you. Arms flaying you aimlessly grasped, so I let you cling onto my finger. You are so beautiful, so uniquely perfect.

Monday, July 27, 2009

A Refresher

Its been a long time since I sat in the quietness. It is only now that I am allowing my true senses a chance to take over. The pen glides across the paper as the words flow from thought, shadows reach across the tile floor as a ray of sunlight seeps in. My toes are kept warm by my long haired companion, who lays asleep on the floor. Where has it gone, what has it been used for. I ask this about time, about life.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Best Feeling

I must pursue. My mind races sending a signal to my heart which begins to beat faster. I pursue, I will go, I am excited about the adventure that lies ahead of me. You have broken the chains, You have unleashed this wild heart, this heart that yearns for meaning, for adventure, that has a desire that can only be quenched by You and You alone. 

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Forever Changed

I was taken to Haiti to learn not what I thought I might learn or how I thought I might learn it. When a young orphan takes your hand and smiles, when they stay by your side the whole day walking barefooted next to you never once complaining only looking into your eyes with complete trust, complete happiness. This is where Love can be found this is what Love looks like, to be without and be complete to not have yet have so much more. These are God's children. I will not leave you here, I will slumber no longer. I have been awakened to your design. You have molded me to whom I am in all my uniqueness. I rise to your call to your purpose.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


I hope out of bed to say the morning goodbyes, a handshake followed by a hug. A few words of encouragement and then they are off. Not many words may have been spoken this week, but a bond most won't understand was formed. For this I am thankful. 

Friday, June 12, 2009

More than an Orphan

I have to duck to enter the small chained door which leads down the narrow hallway opening to where I find you. You approach me wide eyes wearing an oversized shirt causing your shoulder to hang out. You reach out and grasp my hand, your whole hand fits into my palm. You grab a hold of my leg until I lift you into my arms, your head rests against my shoulder and in that moment I wonder what you are thinking. Everything else becomes background, but the moment you and I share.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Mountain Experience

What once stood so far away, now towers over us. The terrain is never the same and the path is not always clear, but our drive remains constant. With arms extended we are able to pass through the ravine. Foreign eyes glance us looks but are always followed with a smile and hello. What has become our adventure is their life. The thick grass that once covered the mountains base, has now turned to stone and gravel. Fighting for our footing we ascend one after the other. The walk turns into a run, we are so close. My body freezes I am there, I am free. Maker of this mountain please continue to show me the way. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


It often comes without warning, sometimes from people you least expect it from, an old man on a bus, a college student in the kitchen, a friend on a hike. When a heart is opened, a person becomes vulnerable and truth can be revealed. You speak in many ways and I am just being to understand. 

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A Mornings Encouragement

I sit perfectly still, eyes closed. The wind rushes down the mountain passing through my half awakened body. This in combination with the birds song, lets me know the day has begun, and as I open my eyes fully for the first time, the bright glow peering through the vast clouds reassures me of your presence. 

Monday, June 8, 2009

Day Continued

As one part of the day ends the next begins. Covered in dirt I am handed a bucket, one after another, until the roof is covered. I am encouraged by my brothers work, next to me, all around me, It fuels me to continue, to not let my tired body give into its urge to rest. 

A Day Anointed

Awakened by the mountain I rise, stiffened from the restless sleep the night before. I prepare my heart for the day, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you, and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." I walk down the small corridor and enter the small room where the table lies in its center. The only air that enters comes from the small cracked window in the corner. I am handed a small yellow slip as the first patient enters. Peering into each of their eyes I begin to get a sense of their struggle, their hardship , the life that has hardened their exterior. As my translator interprets I realize these people are no different then us, in the end we are just people. 

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Under the large tin roof I sit, as these foreign words echo, my eyes focus on the words overhead. Their familiarity take me back to the first time, my first encounter, a time when things were different, a time when my life was different. When I mistook my desires for Gods, when all I wanted was you as a wife, to raise a family together. Now I find myself in a land where the simplest needs aren't met, where the basic amenities I have grown accustomed to can not be found. It is here, it is now that I am seeing your desires for my life.


With light brush strokes the white of the clouds are painted. Flying high above, my restless eyes gaze into the vastness of the sea. As we descend across the mist I begin to see the rugged terrain, far different from what I've grown accustomed to, shanties piled high on top of magnificant mountains. How my soul yearns to ascend those mountains. We land, I am here, The voice next to me says, "Welcome to Haiti", my journey continues. 

Monday, June 1, 2009

How Big You Are

I try and fit You in this box. I give You these parameters so that You may fit my lifestyle. You are so so much more, You succeed all my expectations You are far bigger then anything I could ever fathom, You could never fit into a box. You meet me where I am and encourage me to go further, You guide me by the hand when I am to weak, You mend my heart when it feels burdened. You give me hope that if its right for her return You will provide it. In You I trust, in You I love, in You I live. 

Friday, May 29, 2009

The Endless Battle Inside the Mind

As I write these words I wonder where you are now. I lay here and think, it should be you here next to me, it should be your arms wrapped around me. A year has passed since we have parted. "Its a shame it had to be this way, Its not enough to say I am sorry. Maybe I am to blame or maybe we're  the same, but either way I can't breathe. All I had to say is goodbye, we are better off this way" and never again shall I hear from you, never again shall I hear your voice. After a year "I am still alive but I am losing my drive, because everything we have been through and everything about you seemed to be a lie, a guiltless twisted lie. It made me learn to hate you, or hate myself for letting it pass by." Why did it have to be this way, why couldn't you have just left with me that day, then maybe these nightmares might finally go away, Why couldn't you have just trusted in us and forever know 
I Love You.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Born For You

It is easy to think about today as just another day, oh how easy it is for me to get caught up with myself, my life, my story. Life is brief and sometimes even shorter then expected. Life was never about me, my life won't last forever, it will eventually come to an end, and when it does what will I have accomplished? I am but an extra in this movie, I was born to tell you I Love you and now I am torn to do what I have to. I am tired, so homesick now for someone I never knew, for some place I've never been, a place where we won't be lonely, afraid, or hurt ever again. "I was born to tell you I Love you", and so let me point to you, let my life glorify you till I am brought back home. 

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Pulled out of the Thorns

I sit still, very still, head in hands, face to the floor, deadened to you, cold to others. I have gone against you, I have hurt her, Why? Why have I separated myself from you, nothing I can do, nothing I can say will change this, helplessly I sit confused on what my next steps ought to be. Apart from you, apart from your direction I am nothing I am lost, I walk aimlessly, blindly. I slowly lift my head now thankful that you have pulled me out of these thorns. That you take away the pain, that you take away the guilt, that you have removed these thorns from my skin, the thorns, the lies, that want to destroy me. Now I get up and continue forward with my destiny.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Mothers Day With The Father

I can't control it any longer my body wants to explode. I am back at the edge of the mountain over looking the endless landscape as the wind moves through me. You move through me. What now I ask? I am here, I am ready. Where shall I go, what will I do? In that instance the light peers through the branches that arch over me and answers, you are here, you are doing, you are with me. That was it all along, do you see now. You opened my eyes you captured my heart. There is nothing in this world as beautiful as you. You are the greatest Love that anyone could ever know. And with all I am, I am with you. 

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Comfortable In Our Bondage

How can I describe what I can not always see. Drifting in and out of consciousness you visit me, your eyes creep open like a blooming flower, your lashes make up the long petals which I follow to their very end. In you I find comfort, a sense of hope. In you I rest comfortable in my bondage.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Life Recaptured

As I turn my head I catch sight of you in the rearview mirror, she smiles and throws her arms around you. You both flirt back and forth, smiling, enjoying each other, oblivious to the world around you. A second glance revisited shows a deep discussion has set in. As you stare into her eyes she gazes back up to you, she leans in, the walls have fallen, she's letting you in she wants to be protected, she's asking you for something you aren't ready for now. As you put your arm around her shoulder tonight you agree to something you can't commit to, and therefore in the end a heart will be broken, little do you know it will be yours.  

Monday, May 4, 2009

Flower Whispers to the Son

I was but a small flower surrounded by the shadows of larger trees around me. I was left with tears running down my petals until I looked up to see you. You found me and casted down your light, drying my tears. You taught this small flower the meaning of Love and now I will look up to you the Son till the day I am no more. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Sunsets Goodbye

I rush out the door, I can't miss what's going to happen next. I have to say goodbye. I race down the busy streets, weaving in and out of traffic, speeding across the bridge, I arrive. I am there. Surrounded by others we say goodbye, we thank you for today and are satisfied, for now. As I stand on this beach, else where you stand and look at the same sunset ponder the same thought. I don't know the answer to our question, but soon, I hope soon, but until then we must enjoy this goodbye in order to await our first hello.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Stop to Think

I stare across the room and pin point in on the small yellow dot, the dot expands and explodes, the color fills the room, the sunrise wakes me out of my daze. I can now see the whole room around me, the room that was once hidden by distraction, by selfish desire. Suddenly life seems so much larger. So I ask myself why? Why do I write? I write to free myself, to understand myself, to express myself, to share myself. The sun has now begun to set and the small yellow dot that once showed me the rest of the room, the rest of life, has now dropped into the sea forming small ripples which will turn into the waves that will crash over my feet, and shape the sand that surrounds me. Will I too be shaped, changed? 

Sunday, April 12, 2009


I travel down the long dark all to familiar road once again. As I weave in and out of each lane trying to return home before the stroke of 11, I stop to think about the day which is about to come to a close, Easter. This day often characterized by young children running around searching for the easter eggs that have been hidden. They wear pastel colored dresses and slacks put on for an over crowded church service they attended earlier in the day. This is the Easter I once knew to exist, however as I sit at my grandma's table I notice some empty seats. No longer do I see my grandpa, my father, my best friend, a piece of me. I'm so tired, I'm tired of carrying all this guilt I'm tired of thinking I'm not good enough, I'm tired of thinking of failed relationships, I'm tired of beating myself up over the past, the what ifs of life. And thats just it, I don't have to carry this baggage, I don't have to because of this day called Easter. Someone loved me before I even knew who they were, they loved me for me, the me with all my imperfections, they loved me enough to sacrifice himself, to carry all my baggage for me, for you, for all of us, the baggage that we thought was to heavy to be carried. He took it, conquered and rose, so I could have this day called Easter. For this I take a deep breath let go and trust you with my life. 

Friday, April 3, 2009

Who Is Yet To Be

Face down my body lies motionless, but my mind runs ramped. Addiction digs its claws through my side trying to pull me towards my demise. Through the urge I see You. You come in many ways, many forms but none like this before. I peer into your face I lift you close to me. I cradle you in my arms, You stare back deep into my eyes, as to say you helped create me, I am a part of you. And it is because of you, the one that has yet to be born, that I will stay clean. Lord continue to give me the strength to fight so that I may continue to live. 

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Voice of Reason

The folded paper, slips out of my hand as the wind picks up. It floats across the stage and down the stairs where it rests, waiting to be found waiting to be opened. I sit and day dream about things that have yet to happen, people whom I have yet to understand, conversations that have not occurred. I think of your voice, as it moves from your lips into the microphone, as it projects into the hearts of others, as it rests inside their hearts as it does mine. A seed has been planted I impatiently wait to discover what will grow, but I know I must not rush this, I must wait, I must seek what is right, what is pure, what is truth. So until the first fruit is bore, I will wait, I will day dream.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

To Late

I call but it's to late. Now I find myself jumbling my words on a voice recording. Why was it so hard to call? If I am honest, and I hate to admit it, its the past, the past that won't let go. The past whispers her deceptive lies in my ear. She tells me I'm not good enough, you will surely be rejected. Oh how I hate rejection, the truth is I have never fallen so hard, I can honestly say that never ever have I felt this way. But it is the fear that holds me here, stuck, frozen in time. When will I be thawed, When will I be healed, When will I be accepted for who I am, uniquely imperfect? As I wait I peer into the sky up above, through the clouds I search for your face, eagerly awaiting an answer. Then the words come, spoken softly at first then they erupt, "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saves a wretch like me, I once was lost but now I'm found, was blind, but now I see". As the wind picks up the blades of grass nod in agreement to the words just sung. 

Monday, March 23, 2009


I am unraveling, unbearably empty and if this ground gives way I just hope that you catch me. Your words come down placing your hands on my shoulders and let me know you were there. You came and saved me tonight saving all my life. Blessed am I that you have never left me. Blessed am I that you continue to love me, even when my evil desires turn to sin and my sin turns me cold. Blessed am I that you picked me up off the ground,  that you warmed my heart, that you made me ready. I'm ready to persevere, I'm ready to receive your promise. "Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


You can find me in the back. In front of me stands a large black table. On that table lies a group of pictures. Each picture tells an individual's story, the beginning, that has yet to be finished. One by one they approach the table. Each spoken to in a unique way, each demonstrating obedience to a calling greater then their own.  They thumb through the photos and read each beginning, how might the end be written they must wonder to themselves. Little do they know the end has already been written and they have helped write it, in His love.  As the music plays in the back drop I fight the tears that want to fall, tears not of pain, for I have been humbled. I write these words now, to preserve a feeling, a feeling I hope shall never be lost. May I continue to understand what it means to be humbled. 

Thursday, March 12, 2009


The young children splash cheerfully in the water as they enjoy the evening in the pool with their parents and grandma. I can't help help but think this is where I ought to be. Only if I were strong enough, only if I were the man I wanted to be, The man I am.  A man that has accepted who he is and not what he hoped he was. Would we be living separate lives now, would you have continued to trust me, continued to respect me? I contemplate back and forth, blaming you and harboring anger, blaming myself and wondering what would have been. I want neither of these. I know I will survive and move on. But when, But when? Just as soon as the question enters my mind the answer meets my eyes, "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, ad the wisdom to know the difference."

Monday, March 9, 2009

A Revisited Memory

I walk up the steps and enter the balcony, I glare at the image in the mirror, who is this I see?  Who have I become? The face I see has endured so much over the past years, As I look deep into his eyes I see the pain although now deadened, still pain. Can this be replaced? Anger tries to slip in, your letters from long ago try and fill the void but only remind me that losing you, the only one whose ever known who I am, whom I'm not, and who I want to be is now gone. You are now gone. I walk down the steps, I walk away from my reflection. Its easy to say, yet so hard to do, but I just have to walk away, I must walk away. With so many people to love in my life, why do I worry about one?  

Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Boys Love

The young boy stands still as the world moves around him. The cities busy traffic, the nights bright lights, the harsh stares, the loving eyes, all of life continues to move forward. His past rolls through his mind like clips from a movie reel, each encounter he has had, each person he has shared life with, each person he loved, and all whom he let love him. To him people matter. As the boy stands still his surrounds change, his appearance changes, however one thing remains constant. The boys love for people, the boy refuses to give up love, because Love refuses to give him up, because Love came back for him.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Open to Answer

There has to be more, I have always known there has to be more, I have felt it. Life is more then just a routine, I refuse to be complacent. Each joy must be celebrated, but why is it I feel it is important that we embrace the pain we feel, to really understand it. Why? Why must we go through this grievance, this suffering?  Because it is said that, "suffering produces perseverance; perseverance character; and character hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because He has poured out his love into our hearts, by the Spirit whom he has given us." And so it happened at just the right time, the perfect time, the only time, His time. Could it have been that this feeling was not just a feeling, but so much more, perhaps a Spirit one connected to those words just spoken, one that has grabbed my life and never let go, one that grabs yours, one that waits to be grabbed. 

Monday, February 23, 2009

How Do I Say Thank You

As the words scroll down the screen my voice utters out words to you, until the display projects, "your grace has overcome my brokenness" at that moment no words come, instead a tear, a single tear is shed, for you cease to amaze me. I am constantly blown away by your perfection, your love, your life. You give and give when I am to selfish to sacrifice just a little. How do I say Thank you?I smile as the piano plays in the background, I can't believe everything that has happened to me, I take a deep breath in, I breath it all in. Where would I be without you? You are the hope that I breath in, you are the everything, everything good in my life. You are, You are everything. Thank you.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Mothers Love

As the song plays over the radio it takes me back to a time when I felt safe. When a mothers loving voice was enough to provide me the peace to know everything was going to be okay. She would whisper softly, "you are my sunshine, my only sunshine" and as she finished with, "please don't take my sunshine away", I knew from the slight tremble in the tone of her voice that if anything ever happened to me, her heart would be broken. Every heart break every pain I feel she feels, Every joy every piece of happiness she feels. A mother's love will never be forgotten, will never go unappreciated, will never disappear. As the young boy you created turns into the man you hoped he'd become, he realizes those words you said, the feelings you have are so much more, a teaching, a lesson in life, an expression of  HIS love. Thank You.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Calling

I was lost and you found me. I was laying here in abandonment and you picked me up and carried me. You opened my eyes, opened my eyes to you, to the simpleness, to the truth. You call me to a far away land to a place I don't understand. You engage me into simple conversation, because you care, because each life matters.  Why is it the more I see you the more I love her?  Make less of me in order to make more of you and complete what you have designed. I may not understand the path set forth, but I do understand the outcome, with this I am okay. I will be okay. 

Friday, February 13, 2009

Love is Blind

Love is blind. A statement often said but rarely understood. Its been so long since I have seen clearly, even now writing these words I can't help but think of you. My mind takes me back next to you with my fingers running through your hair and down your arm till my hand grasps yours. It takes me back to the feeling of our lips meeting, the look in your eyes when you saw me, really saw me. My blindness refuses to see, it refuses to surrender. Its time for healing, time to move on, time to fix what been broken to long. Peal away the scab, the scar has set, open your eyes its time to see.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Will I

I wander into the future, I ponder on its possibilities. I reflect on the past the good times, the fun times, the heart aches, the low points. A question comes to mind, was I really known? Did these people around me really understand what drove me, where my passion lay? In a world of limitless possibility, will I rise to become what I am, will I break the cycle of norm and step onto the path less traveled, will I arise to pursue my destiny?

Friday, January 23, 2009

Forgetting in order to Remember

The boy walks through the crowded terminal looking around hoping to find you, hoping you changed your mind, hoping that the pain felt before could be resolved with just one look, one touch, one action that shows you really care, that would erase all the pain. Much like that hot day in July, your not there. Did you really ever love me? Pain, the hurt inside, the ache that makes the nights restless. Hope, the feeling of knowing this isn't it, that there is more. Why is it that we must experience pain to truly comprehend hope? I must give up these memories to remember a destiny, my destiny.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Desiring more

They take shape as they form the contour of the skin and roll down each check emerging from the eyes that were once blind, but are now opened. The road has been so long, so confusing, it has been filled with much hurt and few joys. It has given glimpses of hope none understood till now. Now it is clear the path chosen is of no coincidence, it is yours just as each strand of hair is unique to you. The end has been revealed you have found your way home because you chose to live, you chose to live to make a difference to be used to give what is not from you but apart of you. To desire more, more, more.....

Monday, January 5, 2009

Starting Over Again

I sit at the table and peer out the window as I try to wrap the words that flow out of the speaker around in my mind. Rain begins to fall in a city I once knew, a city I once grew in. But now things have changed and its time to depart on another journey, time to start over again, just me and you. You whisper me words of encouragement, "you don't know what lies ahead for tomorrow, or the next day, so cherish each day, each hour, each moment. Love as I loved, give yourself as I gave and feel my joy come alive inside you.