Thursday, October 9, 2008


It ends with my return home that night. Driving down the road the leftover rain spiderwebs down the front windshield. I step out and touch the wet pavement with my bare feet as I approach my car. As I lay on the couch I watch the late afternoon showers fall from the sky and mix with the sea breeze creating the feeling of serenity. The movie on the screen opens my mind, it reveals life's search for answers where answers can not be found, but are given. The guitar chords are strummed as two friends exchange words, advice, understanding for each struggle. The mid afternoon sun beats down on my striped body as the ground rumbles with each stride taken. Only one more mile left before I am congratulated with a high-five of encouragement. There is no beginning without an end, the end is the beginning that can't be discovered until the end is reached. 

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